Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sick Sick Sick

I had forgotten how incredibly awful a stomach virus is. Every moment of nausea you are wishing and praying that it will go away. My body did not move out of the bed much (only to go to the bathroom of course). Of course you want to know all the nasty details right?! Well, I'll spare you most of it, but it all started Monday night. Patrick came home and was feeling tired and chilled. Probably b/c he had been at the baseball fields all day in the cold. NOT! So we get ready for bed kind of early and the next thing I know, he is running into the bathroom. It was awful. I think I might have nightmares about that... I clean up the mess, sanitize myself, then hurry off to another room where I can sleep in peace. Wrong again. I wake up to him throwing up over and over and knocking on the wall for help. I come to his rescue another time and then realize during the rest of the night that I don't feel so good myself. The next day somehow I manage to get Mac to daycare and Pat and I both laid around the house, feeling terrible. Wednesday morning we both felt SOOOO much better. Somehow I tend to forget how fantastic it is to feel NORMAL!!! All I can say is THANK YOU LORD!

After all the cleaning and limiting Mac's time here at the germy house, he managed to pick up on the virus (either from us or the daycare). Let's hope that it's the same virus (there are a handful of them) so Patrick and I don't catch another one! How awful would that be?!

1 comment:

Jenna said...

Oh dear! I am soo very sorry to hear all that! "In sickness and in health" for real. A speedy recovery to you all..