Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mental Break

A mental break

1. What are the last 3 things you purchased?
Pie crusts, meat, milk
2. What are the last 3 songs you downloaded?
Ok Go, John Mayer, Ray Lamontagne
3. What are your 3 favorite movies?Recently: New Moon, Disturbia, Law Abiding Citizen
4. What are your 3 favorite possessions?
Grandmother's jewelry, Engagement ring, Mac's birthstone necklace
5. What 3 things can you not live without?
Other than the obvious (Jesus): Food, Family, Music
6. What would be your 3 wishes?Health and Joy for myself and all of my loved ones, and everyone to know Christ
7. What are 3 things you have not done yet?
Gotten in a fist fight, been to Europe, drugs
8. What are your 3 favorite dishes?
Pizza, chicken pot pie, a good burger
9. What 3 celebrities would you want to hang out with the most?Kevin James, Usher, Ellen
10. Name 3 things that freak you out.Grasshoppers (one crawled up my pants and started biting my leg one time!), snakes, roaches
11. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?Caring, Conciensious, Silly
12. Name 3 unusual things you are good at.Bargain shopping, Organizing, Basketball shooting games at arcades
13. What are 3 things you are currently coveting?Fence for our yard, Mac not to have any more ear infections, Lost weight
14. What are 3 things you will do today?Grocery shop, run around outside with Mac, Make a pie for a new neighbor

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