Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Tradition

Patrick had a great idea of starting a Beverly family Christmas tradition of watching The Polar Express. We started this last year but watched it while Mac was in bed. Last night after eating dinner, I gave Mac a bath and got his PJs on him while Patrick cleaned up the kitchen. Then we all went upstairs and watched the movie. Mac cuddled up with me then Patrick and barely made it through the movie. He was mesmerized and so were we. It was so simple, but a very special night spent with our little family of 3.

If you have never seen The Polar Express, I would highly recommend that you watch it!

We thought that Mac would sleep a little later since he stayed up later, but he was up and at 'em at his normal time of 5:15 this morning. He has learned to turn on his light (by stepping up on his little chair) so he usually plays for a few minutes in there before he decides it's time for his parents to be up too. He also likes to crawl behind his bed to try and retrieve his pacifier and has gotten stuck back there the past 2 mornings. I keep hoping this is just a phase because he's never gotten up this early before. I'm afraid my child is just going to be a perpetual early riser...

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I remember watching Polar Express while putting bookshelves together in our Waco living room our first Christmas married. I was totally giddy & it brought out a special child-like Christmas feeling. Yay for traditions!

(PS - ever seen The Family Stone? Not the same type of movie, but one of my favorite Christmas ones from this year.)