My blood pressure was elevated for a brief time so my doc sent me over to Labor and Delivery to be monitored. I think it was a fluke b/c it has been normal every time I check it at home. So we headed over to L&D and ended up staying for 4 hours. Mac's heart rate dropped a few times so they wanted to monitor that. They started an IV and gave me a small dose of Pitocin to stimulate some mild contractions. His heart rate stayed within normal limits so we finally got to leave. We rushed off to Chappy's to eat. I don't think I've ever been so hungry. I ate breakfast at 7 and ate "lupper" at 4:30. My pregnant stomach didn't know how to handle that!
I am going back to see Dr. Maddox on Monday and then if nothing changes before now and then, I'll be admitted to the hospital on Tuesday night and be induced on Wednesday. Mac's just going to get bigger and bigger every day that goes by so my doctor, Patrick, and I agreed that we should go ahead with the induction then. It looks like 8/6/08 will be the big day, but I'm still crossing my fingers for him to come this weekend!